Please join us at our 4th annual International Men’s March to Stop Rape, Sexual Assault, and Gender Violence!
September 18th, 2014 –
early registration at 5pm, walk at 6pm
Pittsfield –
Corner of North Street & Park Square
Take a stand against violence in our community!
Sign up to Walk a Mile.
Interested in walking?
Men and boys, bring your friends and family! Women and girls, this march is for you, too! Registration is free and easy …you can download a registration form by clicking here or click on the Register button below to register online.
And if you choose, when you register online you can also create a fundraising page to gather sponsors for your walk. Raise $55 or more and get an awesome Walk a Mile t-shirt.
100% of the money we raise goes to helping survivors of violence.
Interested in sponsoring someone walking in the March?
- Can’t find the page of the person you want to sponsor? You can also make a secure credit card donation to Elizabeth Freeman Center’s Walk a Mile by clicking the Make a Donation button below. Choose “Don’t have a PayPal account to donate by credit card, and don’t forget to tell us the name of the person you’re sponsoring. Thank you!
Want more information, or prefer to register or donate offline?
Call Becca B. at (413) 499-2425 or email
Why we march.
Together we are making a difference!
In 2008, Berkshire County’s rate of restraining orders was 40% higher than the state average. In 2010, it was 37% higher than the state average. In 2012, it was 28%. We are heading in the right direction…
But we still have much work to do. In 2013, Elizabeth Freeman Center served 4,722 adults and children. And the resources to continue this work are at risk. This year, Elizabeth Freeman Center’s government funding is still over $25,000 less than it was in 2009.
Violence affects our families, our neighborhoods, our schools, our health system, our businesses, our children, our future. Come add your voice (and your feet) to those calling for change.
Want to spread the word?
Download our event poster here!
Are you a business? Contact Becca B. at (413) 499-2425 to put a Walk A Mile display in your storefront window.